Hugo Carvalho

RedBull Reply Local Activation Challenge

Red Bull 64 Bars is a content series showcasing rap artists skills through 64 original bars and beats. For Red Bull's local activation challenge in Napoli, we aimed to promote 64 Bars Live as a community project. To achieve this, we employed a multi-faceted approach. We developed mediums like an exclusive can collection and posters, centered around Napoli's street art and music culture.

We proposed Instagrammable spaces featuring unique cans with quotes from 64 Bars songs, along with Napoli's colors and name. We created three sets of posters: graffiti canvases to encourage community participation, interactive Red Bull can patterns, and Italian lyrics posters. A promotional video showcased the connection between rappers and DJs, emphasizing the creative process, targeting Gen Zers through shareable content.

Our plan aimed for a lasting impact on the city, transforming tagged spaces into artistic expressions. We proposed restoring creative spaces and studios for artists and musicians, and painting the event floor for post-live participation. This initiative benefits the community, boosts tourism, and solidifies Red Bull's association with Napoli's cultural fabric.

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