Hugo Carvalho

Redesign JN

JN is a renowned Portuguese newspaper with a rich history. It holds the distinction of being one of the country's top-selling publications. Over the years, JN has undergone several transformations, preserving its valuable heritage. For my editorial design class, our assignment was to reimagine JN while honoring its newspaper legacy and identity.

To embark on the redesign process, I conducted a comprehensive analysis of the existing newspaper. This entailed identifying its strengths and areas in need of improvement. The analysis revealed two prominent weaknesses: the internal pagination, which often proved confusing and challenging to read, and the covers, which posed multiple issues due to the existence of both vertical and horizontal versions.

With these shortcomings in mind, I devised a proposition that effectively addressed these concerns while enhancing upon previous iterations. The primary objective was not only to resolve the identified issues but also to elevate JN's competitive stance in the market, particularly amidst the rising competition from newspapers like Público and Expresso.

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